TGL provides professional dangerous goods transportation services to ensure that your goods are delivered to their destination safely and in compliance with regulations.
Our international logistics consultant team has rich logistics experience and expertise in handling dangerous goods. We transport dangerous goods safely and efficiently in accordance with IATA and International Maritime Dangerous Goods Regulations (IMDG Code). We handle various types of dangerous goods, including flammable liquids, corrosive products, gases, and other chemicals, covering all nine categories of dangerous goods.
How to transport dangerous goods?
First, you need to confirm the UN code (United Nations number) of the dangerous goods along with the correct shipping name (PSN - Proper Shipping Name). Then, affix the correct classification label and package the dangerous goods appropriately. According to the degree of danger of dangerous goods, they are divided into three levels of packaging categories. At the same time, it is necessary to confirm that the transportation vehicle has regular and compliant inspection records, the loading process must be carried out safely, and professionals must be available to deal with emergencies during transportation.
Nine categories of dangerous goods
According to their hazardous characteristics, dangerous goods are divided into nine different categories. Based on the particularity and hazard levels of these nine categories of dangerous goods, IATA and IMDG have issued packaging, labeling and handling regulations for thousands of dangerous goods around the world.
Category 1 - Explosive substances and articles, which contain substances and articles that pose a risk of explosion.
Category 2 - Gases: Includes potentially hazardous gases.
Category 3 - Flammable Liquids: Covers flammable liquids, including some molten solid substances and liquid desensitized explosives.
Category 4 - Flammable solids: a general term including subcategories: for example,
4.1: Flammable solids, self-reactive substances and solid desensitised explosives
4.2: Substances liable to spontaneous combustion
4.3: Substances which in contact with water emit flammable gases
Class 5 - Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides.
Class 6 - Toxic and Infectious Substances.
Class 7 - Radioactive materials.
Category 8 - Corrosive Substances: Includes corrosive substances that may cause damage to living tissue or other materials.
Class 9 - Miscellaneous Hazardous Substances and Articles: General class of substances not covered by other classes.
The most common lithium batteries used in energy storage devices are lithium-ion batteries, and the correct shipping name needs to be chosen based on the battery's composition. Assuming that the material of the battery is lithium ion, then we can use lithium ion battery as PSN.
According to the PSN, we can check the dangerous goods regulations promulgated by IATA and find the relevant UN number. The UN number of the lithium-ion battery in the equipment is UN3481 listed in the dangerous goods regulations.
Then use the PSN and UN numbers to match the packaging categories and packaging instructions. The packaging categories classify hazardous substances according to their degree of danger.